Employee Retention Tips
A recent study by Randstad U.S. reported that 40 percent of U.S. workers said they’re planning to look for a new job within the next six months. Another 69% of employees admitted they are already passively shopping for other opportunities via social media.
As an employer, these numbers should be frightening. You spend countless hours interviewing and hiring the best workers, and you want to keep them. In order for an employee to make a long-term commitment to your organization, you’ll need to give them a good reason to stay. Here are a few tips to help retain your best employees.
1. Recognize That Each Employee is Unique.
In the hectic rush of your everyday schedule, it’s easy to view employees as a single work unit and not as the different individuals they are. It’s important to realize that each employee is unique and has different needs, expectations, and advantages. If you learn these characteristics about people, you realize their full potential and can manage them in the way that’s most beneficial to the employee and the company.
2. Manage Both Parties’ Expectations.
Before reprimanding an employee for not meeting expectations, take a step back and make sure it’s not you that’s the problem. Did you lay out your expectations ahead of time so the employee knew what you wanted? Were your expectations fair? It’s essential to draw up a plan of action and benchmarks to make sure that both you and your employee are on the same page. Having a transparent relationship, with open communication between employer and employee, is the best way to avoid any confusion about responsibilities and expectations.
3. Engage Your Workforce.
Allow employees to have a say in decisions. If you ask employees their opinion and listen to their ideas and feedback, they will feel more engaged and empowered. An empowered employee cares about the company, is loyal, and wants to succeed in the workplace.
4. Be a Leader.
The organizations with the lowest employee turnover rates all have one thing in common: dedicated executives. Employees are motivated by managers and supervisors that lead by example. An employee is much more likely to give 120 percent effort if they see their manager is doing the same. Being a leader will foster a productive work ethic within your company.
5. Challenge Your Employees.
In a study by Salary.com, many U.S. workers reported that boredom was a main reason for leaving their last job. Boredom stems from doing the same monotonous routine day-in and day-out. It is important for employees to be challenged and pushed to grow, so they don’t get bored. Challenging your employees will also foster more creative ideas and productivity.
6. Make the Job Rewarding.
Nobody is going to continue to put in 120 percent effort if they’re not being rewarded for doing so. Rewards speak to the emotional needs of employees and go beyond monetary compensation. Even the little things like verbal recognition, appreciation lunches, handwritten notes, and company logo clothing build positive company culture and office morale. Making your employees feel appreciated is the number one way to keep them from leaving.
By recognizing individuals and achievements, and through challenging and engaging employees, you’ll notice a more positive work environment and lower turnover rates. However, when you do have an open position, it’s important to remember that retention begins with hiring. Contact the recruiters at RealStreet Staffing to find the right people for the architecture, engineering and construction jobs you need to fill.