Staying Confident While Searching for a Job


Whether you’re recently graduated, unemployed, or looking to switch careers, a job search can be a gruelingly painful process. You have to remain confident in yourself and your qualifications and not show discouragement or defeat.  The ability to stay motivated during an extended job hunt is critical.  Here are a few ways to reevaluate your job search and help you keep your spirits up.

Set Targets.
Take a project management approach to job hunting.  Break down the search process into a series of steps and set target time periods for completing each one.  For example, within one week revise your resume. Within one month network with 10 people who are relevant connections in your industry. Or, have a set number of jobs you’d like to apply for each week.  Setting goals along the way will hold you accountable for the progress of your job search.

Keep a Log of Jobs You’ve Applied to.
Don’t be the person that gets caught on the phone with a recruiter and has no idea which position they’re talking about.  It’s an unprofessional, embarrassing situation that can easily be avoided.  Keep a tracking doc on your computer with notes about each position you’ve applied to.  Save job postings as PDFs in case they get taken down before the recruiter calls you.  Save your resume and cover letter as versions with descriptive names, so that you can easily locate which documents the interviewer has. 

Set “Work” Hours.
By now, you’ve probably heard it said that you should treat your job search like a full-time job.  This is true in that it’s important to establish a routine you can stick to five days a week. Otherwise it’s too easy to get distracted and find excuses to do things other than search for a job.  If you get more work done at a local coffee shop or library, make that part of your routine. Getting out of the house can be a great source of motivation.

Just remember that in a full-time job, you get time off.  The same should be true with your job search.  Hunting for a job 5 to 8 hours a day is tedious and tiring. Take a break and step back from time to time to avoid burnout. Limit your job search to weekdays, and try not to think about your job search over the weekend. 

Eat Right and Exercise.
Taking care of yourself is essential to motivation and productivity. Eating well isn’t just important for self-confidence; it will give you the energy you need to stay focused, and will help regulate your sleep patterns. Minimize coffee and caffeine intake.  Make exercise part of your daily routine.  It increases your endorphin level, which boosts your mood and stimulates your brain. 

Evaluate Progress.
Take a moment each week to assess where you’re at in your job search.  What have you done? What is working? What isn’t? The answers to these questions will help you determine which tactics are more effective than others.  Spend more time focusing on the tactics that work. Identify the strategies that have flopped, so you don’t keep running in circles. 

Believe in Yourself.
When looking for a new position, you’re selling your personal brand in hope that someone is buying.  In order to land a new job, you must believe in the value of that brand.  Keep your thoughts positive and look at every setback as a new opportunity. Don’t get a negative attitude if you aren’t hired for a position you interviewed for.  Just look at it as good practice for the job you really want. You have the qualities and skills for the jobs you’re applying to, you just have to show them.

As long as you get excited about new opportunities and take the above advice into consideration, you’ll be employed in no time. And remember, you don’t have to go through the job search alone. At RealStreet Staffing, we specialize in matching experienced construction professionals with rewarding career opportunities. Contact us today to see how our network of contacts, resources, and experience can help you build a better career.

As the Project Director on the 495 Express Lanes Mega Project we encounter the need of services of many disciplines of workers, from administrative, human resources, designers, project control experts and engineering. RealStreet Staffing was always able to supply our team with capable and experienced personnel on a very short notice.This contributed significantly to our Read More…

Mitchell Lester, Project Director 495 Express Lanes

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