6 Leadership Tips to Help You Manage Your Employees Effectively


One of the hardest parts of being a manager is learning how to effectively manage your employees.  It’s also the most important part of your job since effective management allows you to capitalize on the abilities and strengths of employees in order to accomplish organizational goals.  While there is no magic formula for the best way to manage employees, the best managers tend to also be the best leaders.  Here are a few leadership tips to help you become a more effective manager.

Share goals.
While it is your business and financial stake at risk, your team members are also invested in the business. They spend their time and energy to produce quality work, as long as they stay engaged.  In order to drive employee engagement you should involve employees in goal planning and decision-making.  By doing so, everyone truly understands the goals your working towards and knows what success looks like. 

Respect employees as individuals.
Respect is a simple but powerful motivator.  Showing employees you respect and care about them as people, not just as the job they do, is important. Employees are much more likely to give 110% effort to help the organization succeed when they feel valued.   

Provide regular feedback.
Being able to provide regular, helpful feedback is a foundation for all leaders.  Great leaders are able to provide feedback in a manner that encourages employees to want to work harder. Too many managers make the mistake of focusing feedback on events that happened in the past.  If you want to be a more effective leader and help your team make improvements in their skills and results, give them feedback about what they can do in the future. 

Ensure adequate training is provided.
Many companies invest heavily in “leadership training” for executives and focus far less attention on junior level employees.  Junior level employees need the same amount, if not more training than executive level employees if you expect them to perform to their highest potential.

Recognize hard work.
As a leader, you gain nothing from withholding praise and recognition when it’s warranted.  In fact, recent studies have found that recognition is often a more powerful driver of motivation than money.  Whether in an email or an all team meeting, publicly recognizing hard work is a great way to show employees that you appreciate the effort they’re putting forth. 

Be a role model.
The most important key to being a successful leader is to lead by example.  Your team is watching and emulating you.  Make sure your attitude, behavior, and habits are ones you want them to exhibit.  Look at the behavioral habits of your employees.  Do you like what you see?  If not, look in the mirror a little more carefully.  The source of frustration in your employee’s behavior likely starts with you.

If you’re willing to put in a little extra effort to become a great leader, you’ll be much more effective at managing your employees.   Effective management begins with hiring manageable employees.  Having the right people – at just the right time – can spell the difference between the success and failure of your project initiative. Ensure your success by teaming up with RealStreet Staffing. We can deliver talented construction professionals who will lay a foundation for the success of your next project.  Contact us today and we’ll provide the best staffing solutions for your organization.

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