3 Tips on Following Up After a Job Interview


Congratulations! The big job interview you were stressing over is finally over and as far as you’re concerned, you nailed it!  You were getting good vibes from the interviewer and they seemed really impressed with your previous experience. Now you can finally relax– except for the fact that you’re pacing back and forth checking your phone and email every five minutes to find out whether or not you got the job.  It’s understandable to be excited, but don’t let the waiting game get the best of you. Follow up tactfully.

3 Tips to Increase Your Chances of Landing the Job.

  1. Send a thank you note within 24 hours.
    Thank you notes  matter.  They present a great opportunity for you to follow up with the interviewer right away and give you a chance to make a lasting impression.  Use the thank you note to not only thank the interviewer for taking time to meet with you, but also to convince them you are on top of things and will bring value to the position for which you have applied.  The post interview follow up is a chance to reiterate your interest in the position and to convince the employer that you are the best candidate.  This is also a good time to see if they need additional information from you. 
  2. Send a check-in email if you have not heard back in the set time-frame.
    It is important that you ask about next steps before leaving the interview.  If you do so, the interviewer will likely give you a time frame of when you can expect to hear back from them.  Then, if you haven’t heard anything in that amount of time, you have appropriate grounds for following up.  In most cases, an email is the best way—it’s fast and does not pester the recruiter by making them drop everything they are doing to talk to your right away.  Your email should be friendly and concise, inquiring only about where they are in the decision making process. 
  3. If things drag out check in periodically, but know when to move on.
    In a situation where a job has been put on hold or the recruiter is taking longer than planned to make a decision, it is reasonable to check in periodically.  The periodic check-in is a technique that many job seekers have not mastered, so if you can do it right you’ll stay top of mind with the recruiter.  The periodic check-in does not harass the recruiter by asking, “Did I get the job?”  Instead, it’s about offering something of value to the recruiter while reminding them that you’re still out there.  Forward an article related to the business that the recruiter would find interesting or congratulate them if you notice they have received a recent recognition or successfully completed a big project. Checking in no more than once a month is appropriate.  However, if you are not getting any response at all, cut your losses and move on. The last thing you want to do is gain a reputation for being a pest.

Hopefully, in the end you get the job offer! However, if the company made a decision to hire someone else for this position, the situation could change. For example a candidate might decline offers or an additional position could open up.  If you are respectful and stay top-of-mind without being a pest, the company might contact you rather than repeating the entire interviewing process. It’s also possible that the company

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I have been under the employ of RealStreet for approximately 10 years now as a TAC, or Technical Assistance Contractor, working with Homeland Security on federally declared disasters. My experience with RealStreet has been absolutely wonderful over the years with tremendous engagement provided by the principals of the firm as well as their professional supporting Read More…

Jim Hathaway

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