YOU Are Holding You Back From Success


Are your friends or colleagues advancing in their career while you continue feel stuck in your job, wondering where you went wrong?  It might be easier to attribute you static situation to those around you, but the reason you are not be growing and changing might not be external, it might be internal. You could be afraid of failure.  A fear of failure can keep you paralyzed in inaction—scared to take risks, stopping you from taking the next step towards achieving your dreams. In addition to a general fear of failure, there are a variety of  ways that fear could be standing in the way of your success. Here are some of the biggest apprehensions individuals have when they reach a career plateau or when facing an opportunity for career growth, as well as what can be done do to overcome these mental hurdles.

You are scared of success.

While it may seem counterintuitive, the opposite of the fear of failure is the fear of success.  What will happen when you achieve your goals? Will you be satisfied?  Will there be more pressure?  Many people become overwhelmed by the fear of leaving their comfort zone and actually achieving their goals, and therefore sabotage efforts to be successful.  Do not let the fear of success and not knowing what is next keep you from reaching your goals.  When you find you are overwhelmed, remind yourself that you are worthy of and ready for success.

You are afraid of change.

Not knowing what is next can be scary.  While you are unsatisfied in your current role, you’re collecting a paycheck and it feels comfy and safe.  Continuing along this path there will be no growing pains, no expectations, and no discomfort.  The promise of a new reality isn’t enough to make you want to lose your current reality.  However, if you want to be more successful, you have to detach from your daily routine and take action.  Kick your fear of change to the curb.

It means more responsibilities.

Many people are frightened by the responsibility that comes along with advancing their career into a leadership position. Having success means expectations (both self-imposed and from the outside) are higher.   In other words, the bigger you get, the further there is to fall.   Instead of trusting their intuition to guide them, many people would rather let someone else be the leader.  However, if your organization believes you can do the job, you need to believe in your ability to handle those extra responsibilities.

You will be more exposed.

More success often means more eyes on you.  Along with this comes more opportunities to humiliate yourself.  However, embarrassment is only as bad as you allow for it to be.  Making mistakes publicly can seem awful, but you should not let yourself feel ashamed.  Don’t look at mishaps as mistakes, but as opportunities to learn and grow.  Inaction due to fear can wind up being more embarrassing than putting all your effort into a project.

You are not sure you deserve it.

Another reason many people don’t shoot for advancement is because they are afraid to ask for it.  If you want more responsibility in your job, ask your manager if there is anything else you can take on.  Do you feel like you deserve a promotion or raise? Talk to your boss and make a case for why you deserve it.  The employees that get noticed are the ones that show interest in new opportunities and talk to managers about their needs. You deserve to be successful.


Recognizing that you’re holding yourself back is the first step to overcoming it.  Getting over your fear is the key to a successful career in the architecture, engineering and construction industries.  Take the next step towards a successful career by contacting a recruiter at RealStreet Staffing.  Or, visit our career page to find open positions in the architecture, engineering and construction management fields.

The remarkable professionals at RealStreet has been a true gift for me and my family. I like so many others were terminated due to COVID slowing my prior company down and they could no longer support my position. I was in a challenging situation being the sole provider for my Mother, my children and myself. Read More…

Heather E. Almendares

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