Are Your Employees Communicating Effectively?


Effective communication is one of the most important factors governing the success of an organization. As the boss, you set the tone for your team. If your employees are having issues with deadlines, performance or productivity, poor communication habits are likely at the root of the problem. 

4 Ways to Effectively Communicate With Your Team

Realign your team’s focus through open communication. If you interact more with your employees, they will likely follow suit and communicate more effectively with one another as well as those they manage. Use the following four tips to create a more open culture at your company.

1. Keep Employees Updated on Company Happenings

Keep your employees in the loop. From an employee’s standpoint, it is incredibly frustrating to be kept in the dark. This type of behavior fuels rumors and causes morale to plummet. From sharing major company news to explaining the reasoning behind each project, ensure your team is always well-informed.

2. Send Messages Through Multiple Channels

People have different ways of digesting information, so make important points loud and clear by sharing them through multiple channels — email, face-to-face meetings, marketing materials placed around the office, etc. Ensure the message is consistent across all platforms, so there is no confusion. Employees are much more likely to grasp the message when they see and/or hear it multiple times.

3. Ask for Feedback — And Listen

Communication is a two-way street, so ask your employees for input and really listen to what they have to say. You hired truly talented people with really great ideas. Failing to take full advantage of everything your team has to offer is a detriment to your organization. People feel valued when their employer cares what they think, which effectively increases morale and loyalty as well.

4. Be True to Your Word

Honesty is a huge part of effective communication. Telling your employees what they want to hear is great, but your words will not hold much weight if you don’t follow through on promises made. Think twice before making commitments you probably cannot deliver on. Disappointing your team is the last thing you want to do, but they will respect you more if you are honest with them from the start.

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Tony Leketa, PE, Executive Vice President

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