Take a Proactive Approach to Job Searching to Ensure that You are Ready For Your Your Next Great Job Opportunity


Looking for a new job is a process that few individuals look forward to throughout their career. Despite that, many neglect to take a proactive approach, especially when they are already employed. After all, it’s easy to push dull or seemingly daunting tasks, such as updating your resume, to the back of your mind when you are actively working and more focused on your day to day task list.

How to Take a Proactive Approach to a Job Search, Even When You Are Not Looking

There are some lucky professionals who are offered their ideal job early in their job search. However, most people must expend a great deal of effort in order to not just find an opportunity they are interested in, but also make it through the interview stage and come out the other side with an offer in hand. It can be disheartening. Luckily, individuals can minimize this long and frustrating process by taking a proactive approach. As a bonus, it will likely help with general career development as well.

Whether you are in the midst of an ongoing job search or you are already gainfully employed, it’s the perfect time to begin. While it requires a little ongoing effort, the return is typically undeniable. Here are three noteworthy and effective ways to take a more proactive approach to searching for a new job and your ongoing career development.


In the current job market, many candidates have multiple versions of their resume, each targeting a particular type of role. This is a great way to increase the impact of a resume and is highly encouraged. However, it is also important for professionals to maintain a master resume. A master-resume is a document containing a complete collection of job titles, duties, skills, major projects, accomplishments and career progressions. This detailed compilation of information is great to draw from when tailoring a resume or updating a LinkedIn profile. Unfortunately, many individuals only think about this as they begin to update their resume when they make the proactive decision to start looking for a new job.

Take a proactive approach by keeping a running list of projects and accomplishments for each position you hold. In the moment, it may seem tedious to track this information, but it’s often difficult to recall specifics (especially quantitative details) down the road, when you begin looking for new opportunities. In the end it will enable you to create a much more impactful resume, in far less time.


Make the most of networking opportunities and be proactive in making new connections. However, when attending large, in-person networking events, take a targeted approach. It can be difficult to make meaningful connections with everyone, but developing a professional rapport with a handful of contacts can truly benefit your career.

Take advantage of social media and other resources to network as well. Share your knowledge and interests, (through likes, shares and the generation of fresh content of your own) and by connecting with professionals and relevant organizations. Regular activity will help to ensure that you stay informed of hot topics and potential job openings. It will also build and reinforce your personal image, brand and increase the likelihood that you are considered when opportunities become available.

Consider augmenting your job search efforts by joining professional associations. Many offer benefits to its members, such as job search tools, events, education opportunities and certifications. Chose organizations that best enable you to meet your goals and make the most of the offerings throughout your career development.


Volunteer in your spare time. It’s great to give back, plus its effects could extend far beyond the recipients and the warm and fuzzy feelings you get after a task is accomplished. It could enable your career development.

For example, volunteering can be a great way to boost your professional image. When incorporated into a resume or professional profile, it can show recruiters and hiring managers that you have a desire to help others and that you are passionate about particular interests. You could also use it as an opportunity to learn something new or build upon an existing skillset, which can be incredibly useful when you are ready to advance into a new role or make a career transition. If you are unemployed, it could help fill the gap with something meaningful and productive. Plus, it could be an excellent way to keep your mind busy and reduce stress during an extended job search.

Volunteering could also provide you the opportunity to meet individuals who you may otherwise never meet! After all, you never truly know how individuals you meet are connected or who they might know. By actively volunteering and meeting new people you provide yourself with the opportunity to meet great individuals who might then be able to help you with your career development by referring you to an employer or professional services provider like RealStreet.


Whether you are actively searching for a new architecture, engineering or construction role, or you are simply open to new opportunities, the knowledgeable team at RealStreet can help. Contact us to speak with one of our skilled team members and learn how our services can benefit you. If you’re taking a more passive approach to your job search and would prefer not to reach out, check out our current job openings at your leisure. We also have a quick and easy (even on a mobile device!) general application if you would simply like to be considered for future opportunities.

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