It was my distinct pleasure working for RealStreet, aka KJMK, on separate FEMA disaster recovery assignments and long-term recovery planning assignments between October 2004 and May 2006 in the aftermath of Hurricanes Ivan, Katrina, Francis and Wilma. I found working with these professionals enjoyable as well as self-fulfilling and rewarding. After a 9-year stint as the long-range planner for the city of Dothan, AL. I am retiring from the city, badged by the DHS, and back on the list for future FEMA deployments. I would not consider working for any other firm on any future FEMA disaster recovery deployment should the opportunity arise to do so.

Steve Spry, CAPZO, Certified Alabama Planning and Zoning Official

After a string of failures trying to find the right person on our own, RealStreet came through for us. The first person they recommended was the person we’d been looking for all along. It doesn’t get better than that.

Joshua A. Woolley

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