Tips on Customizing Your Resume for a Specific Job Opportunity


If you have applied to countless jobs, but are still hearing crickets, your resume could be to blame. In the past, it was perfectly acceptable to use the same generic resume to apply for every open position, but that is no longer the case. These days, hiring managers often receive hundreds of applications for each open position, so you need to work harder than ever to stand out.

4 Ways to Customize Your Resume

Ready to do everything in your power to get the job? Follow this advice and modify your resume to fit a specific job:

1. Identify Keywords and Phrases

Carefully review the job description to look for frequently used keywords and phrases. Work these into your resume, to ensure it passes through the software used by the company to filter candidates by skills and experience. You don’t want to be overlooked for an opportunity because the descriptions on your resume that didn’t match the company’s language.

2. Focus on Relevant Skills and Experience

Your resume contains a detailed account of past accomplishments. Unfortunately, if some of endeavors aren’t applicable to the position, they might cause relevant information to get overlooked, and could detract from an otherwise ideal resume. Delete, or downplay achievements that are not pertinent to the desired job so the hiring manager doesn’t get caught up reading about unrelated skills and experiences.

3. Tailor Your Objective to the Job

Write a new objective for each position, making sure to include the exact title listed in the job description. This is a great way to catch the hiring manager’s attention from the start, as it shows your interest in this specific opportunity and provides an opportunity to share why you are the perfect candidate (and the only person to consider for the role).

4. Include Relevant Activities

Generally speaking, your resume is not the place to devlulge  should only include details on your work history and education. However, you may be able to gain a competitive advantage by showing a personal interest in the industry. For example, if you are applying for a designer position at a healthcare organization, you could mention your experience volunteering at a local hospital.

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