3 Ways to Balance Work and a Busy Home Life


Keeping up with a demanding job or a busy personal life is challenging enough, but you have both. Balancing these two hectic existences can be a delicate act. The good news is, you can have it all! You simply have to be strategic about finding your ideal work-life balance.

RealStreet — an employee leasing firm with architecture, engineering and construction jobs across the US — understands what it’s like to feel competing pressures from work and home. Follow these tips to find your perfect harmony.

3 Tips to Find a Healthy Work-Life Balance

1. Prioritize Your Time

Every person has limits — including you. Since your schedule doesn’t have much extra room, you need to focus on your top priorities at work and home. Getting past a natural penchant to over-commit yourself can be a challenge, but it will change your life for the better. As a giving person, you are programmed to say yes to everything. For example, you probably pitch in every time a colleague comes to you for assistance and agree to volunteer for every activity at your child’s school, but you need to pick and choose.

Guarding your time will improve the quality of your life because you will be doing only the things most important to you, and you will have time to do them right. Concentrate on the big picture and this will all make sense.

2. Get in a Routine

Life does not always go according to plan, but coordinating different aspects of your life is a lot easier when you follow a schedule. This helps you better manage your time and makes it easier for others to sync up with you. For example, if you hold the same work hours every day, you won’t accidentally schedule a meeting that conflicts with a personal commitment.

Maintaining a routine also helps you accomplish more, because you know exactly what you should be doing at every point in the day. When you get comfortable in a certain groove, gliding through a busy day no longer feels like a hassle.

3. Find Ways to Make Your Life Easier

Pushing yourself to do it all will only lead to burnout, so look for ways to ease the stress. For example, if you need to pick your child up from school early on Fridays, ask your boss if you can work from home. Or, if activities outside the home are keeping you from doing much housework, consider hiring a professional to come in once a week to pick up the slack. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it.

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Mitchell Lester, Project Director 495 Express Lanes

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