4 Resources to Increase Your Motivation and Drive You Towards Success in 2018


Architecture, engineering and construction professionals – like those in any industry – struggle with motivation from time to time. Whether it’s an going issue, a periodic problem or simply a case of the Mondays, a lack of motivation impacts your performance and job satisfaction. Luckily, there are a wide variety of motivational podcasts that can help you pull yourself up by the bootstraps and keep moving forward.

Four Resources to Help You Stay Motivated and Achieve Success

1. The Daily Boost

The Daily Boost approaches motivation in a non-traditional way, breaking away from many of the tropes and clichés that can dominate content focused on personal development. Every Monday, a new episode is released that can be downloaded for free, though those interested in getting access to more can participate in the premium subscription program. Each of the podcasts is approximately nine minutes and approaches the topics in a personable, accessible and at times, humorous fashion, making the material as entertaining as it is motivating.

2. DailyVee

Gary Vaynerchuk is recognized for his unconventional approach to life, leadership and business, and his podcast reflects his characteristic style. His vlog, DailyVee, is informative, bordering on edgy, and certainly has the power to motivate professionals to strive to reach their goals. It should be noted that Gary Vaynerchuk is known for his regular use of curse words, so do not be surprised if a few colorful descriptive terms make their way into his podcast.

3. The Tony Robbins Podcast

A world-renowned motivational speaker, Tony Robbins shares valuable wisdom through his podcast series. The topics he covers are diverse, ranging from how to achieve your health-related goals to “success strategies from a self-made billionaire.” On average, two podcasts are available through his site each month, but many of Tony Robbin’s podcasts are significantly longer than your run-of-the-mill alternatives, with the majority coming in close to the one-hour mark. The content is practically guaranteed to draw you in, so do not let the longer runtimes stop you from giving his podcast a try.

4. Coaching for Leaders

Coaching for Leaders is a podcast that features both topical discussions and interviews with various leaders across multiple industries. The content is largely geared towards managers and business owners but can be incredibly useful for architecture, engineering and construction professionals who are interested in joining the leadership ranks in the future. To make the information easier to digest, many longer discussions are broken into a series of podcasts, allowing you to absorb one lesson at a time. However, the content is engaging, so extended listening sessions can be quite enjoyable.

Energize Your Job Search with RealStreet

If you are struggling with motivation this year, try downloading a few podcasts from the sources above. You will gain access to valuable insights and tips that can help propel your career forward, inspiring you to succeed in 2018. If you are seeking a new architecture, engineering or construction position, the professionals at RealStreet can connect you with some of the area’s top employers. Contact us to speak with a member of our team today and see how our services can work for you.

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Heather E. Almendares

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