Tips on Developing a Relationship with Your Recruiter


A recruiter is a powerful tool in a job seeker’s arsenal. These skilled professionals are incredibly industry-aware and have strong connections throughout the area, often with some of the region’s top companies. Additionally, they can help candidates perfect their resumes, craft compelling cover letters, and select the ideal jobs to target.

Four Tips to Develop Relationships Recruiters

It is important to develop a relationship with your recruiter. While they will work diligently to find you an attractive opportunity, they are not your employee. Instead, they are professionals who try to find great candidates for companies who have listed vacancies. If you are interested in building a solid foundation with a recruiter, here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Have “The Talk”

Every relationship with a recruiter should start with an in-depth conversation about you as a professional. Ultimately, this will be very similar to a job interview, focusing largely on your skills, experience, goals, and other vital pieces of information. However, unlike an interview, there are some topics you can choose to broach in this early phase, such as salary requirements.

2. Know What You Want

If you do not know what you want in a new position, a recruiter is going to struggle when it comes to finding you a match. Additionally, if they reach out with opportunities, and you hedge about whether you want to proceed or consistently find issues with everything presented (even when it meets any previously discussed preferences), they will quickly become frustrated. This is especially true if you do not take it as an opportunity to clarify what you are hoping to find.

While it is fine to be open to different roles, you need to have a solid focus for your job search. Otherwise, the recruiter will feel like they are trying to find a needle in a haystack and may give up.

3. Do Not Make Demands

It is perfectly acceptable to let a recruiter know what you want. Talk to them about any preferences you have and whether there are any potential deal breakers, such as a salary below a certain minimum or a long commute. However, if you begin making demands, a recruiter will likely perceive it negitively and may choose to not recommend you for coveted roles or sever the relationship outright.

Unless you are paying for a recruiter to find you a job, they are not working you. Instead, they are compensated by companies after they find them a match for a vacant role. This means that you generally are not in a position to make demands. Ultimately, when they make a recommendation, their necks are on the line. If they don’t think you will make a positive impression, they will not forward your information to the company.

4. Keep in Contact

While you should not call your recruiter every day expecting an update, it is important to keep in contact both during your search and after. Email is often the best approach. It is not as obtrusive as a phone call, giving the recruiter the option of responding at a time that is best for them. Keep the message concise. Just let them know you are touching base or would appreciate an update and that you look forward to hearing from them.

Remain reachable should an opportunity become available, and do your best to respond promptly. If you are actively working with a recruiter and you know you are going to be unreachable for an extended period of time, (e.g. on a vacation) let them know. Otherwise, they may begin think you are no longer interested.

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Tony Leketa, PE, Executive Vice President

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