Posts Tagged: interview approach

Some Questions You Should Ask During Your Job Interview


So you’ve landed an interview. Congratulations! Now you need to prepare for it, and prepare well. If you researched the company some as you were writing your cover letter and resume (you did didn’t you, so that you could reference your knowledge of the company in your cover letter?), you now need to really dig Read more »

It’s Not About You: The Key to a Successful Job Interview


Have you ever met someone for the first time and, after exchanging the usual pleasantries about what a nice day it is (or isn’t), what each of you do for a living, etc., the person launches into a monologue all about him? His opinions. His tribulations. His day. His week. The funny thing his kid Read more »

Job Negotiation Skills: How to Answer the Salary Requirement Question


Many otherwise professional, savvy, mature job seekers turn into puddles of anxiety when it comes to discussing and negotiating their salary requirements when job searching. The following tips can help you do negotiate a salary with which both you and your future employer will be happy: Understand that employees cost a business a ton of Read more »

How to Approach Your Job Interview


Having the right interview approach can be the difference between landing the job and coming in second. The first step is to cover the basics.  Prepare for the interview carefully and well in advance. Ensure you’ve done your homework ahead of time so you can easily answer all kinds of commonly asked questions–and you’ve practiced Read more »

RealStreet saved us more than once with temporary help on some of our most demanding construction projects, particularly when we needed experienced, responsible and professional individuals on such short notice. We were particularly grateful for the Quality Control Manager (QCM) you were able to provide while our full-time QCM was on short-term disability, at the Read More…

Michael S. Shevitz, LEED Green Associate, Vice President

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