Posts Tagged: engineering jobs Washington DC

How to Get Your Interviewees to Open Up and Drop the Templated Answers


While resumes provide a great deal of information about the individuals who apply to your open position, candidates may look great on paper but may not be the best fit once on the job. Avoid hiring mistakes by conducting well thought out interviews. Interviewing candidates for an open position on your team is an important Read more »

RealStreet Hires Recruiting Coordinators!


RealStreet Hires Three (3) Additional Recruiting Coordinators! July 1, 2016 – RealStreet – a Maryland-based, specialty employment and recruiting firm within the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) field – welcomes Liz Faro, Whitney Johnson, and Christine Matali to our team. With the opening of five (5) new offices in the last two (2) years, RealStreet has Read more »

RealStreet Launches New Website!


BALTIMORE, MARYLAND (PRWEB) AUGUST 19, 2015 RealStreet – a Maryland-based, specialty employment and recruiting firm in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) field – is excited to announce the official launch of their newly designed website. The site, which can be found at, was designed with the user in mind. The goal: to improve Read more »

Credentials Needed More Than Ever


If you are looking for work, or looking to move up the corporate ladder, you need to be aware of things that may be standing in the way of achieving your employment goals. One of those things may be not having the right credentials. Career specialist Priscilla Claman tells the story of a community banking Read more »

Handling Decision Bias


Decision making is not an exact science. But making good decisions is important if you are looking for work or even if you already have a job. There are many factors that influence our decisions, many of which we are unaware we have. We try to make our decisions as dispassionately as possible, relying on Read more »

Trying On a New Career


If you are looking at a new career, there are several different ways of finding out about it. You can go to the library and go online to get information, or you can talk to people who work in the career you’re considering. But even after you have done these things, you still may not Read more »

Taking a Vacation ON Vacation: What a Concept!


Too many people work while on vacation. Checking e-mail, sending e-mail messages/texts or even IMs to the boss or colleagues. Maybe even participating in a “short” conference call. Instead, for your next vacation, why not really take a vacation. As in, not check e-mail, not take phone calls. To not even think about work while Read more »

It IS Best to Think About a Job Offer Overnight


Your long hours and hard work have paid off – you have a job offer! Now you have a decision to make. The company wants to have your response quickly, and the job looks good. What should you do? Answer: Take the time you feel that you need to make the decision. Don’t rush it. Read more »

Late to Work


If you have employees who are chronically late to work, what can human resources do to handle a problem like this before it reaches the point where termination enters the picture? The first thing to do, says human resource specialist Ellen Raim, is find out more about the situation of the employee with the tardiness Read more »

Reducing Stress by Reducing Your Expectations


Looking for work is a very stressful activity. But you may be able to reduce it by adjusting your attitude about the things around you. Handling stress is a topic that we often have come across before. In the modern world, handling stress has become a real concern, and many books have been written and Read more »

I have worked with RealStreet for the past five years to provide supplemental staffing for two federal government contracts. It has been a great partnership. I find RealStreet to be attentive and responsive to our needs, reliable, and they consistently find great people that fit what we need for multiple roles on two different programs.

Kevin T. Fitzpatrick, PMP, Peer Review Program Manager

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