Posts Tagged: engineering staffing
RealStreet Hires Recruiting Coordinators!
RealStreet Hires Three (3) Additional Recruiting Coordinators! July 1, 2016 – RealStreet – a Maryland-based, specialty employment and recruiting firm within the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) field – welcomes Liz Faro, Whitney Johnson, and Christine Matali to our team. With the opening of five (5) new offices in the last two (2) years, RealStreet has Read more »
RealStreet Hires Recruiting Coordinator in Marriottsville!
RealStreet Hires Recruiting Coordinator for its Marriottsville Office April 28, 2016 – RealStreet – a Maryland-based, specialty employment and recruiting firm in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) field – welcomed Kristin Stolzenbach as a recruiting coordinator to our Marriottsville, MD office in April 2016. As a RealStreet recruiting coordinator, Kristin’s responsibilities include supporting the recruiting team Read more »
RealStreet Opens New Office in Norfolk, VA
RealStreet – a Maryland-based, specialty employment and recruiting firm in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) field – announces the opening of a new branch office in Norfolk, VA, on January 29, 2016. RealStreet’s corporate office and original branch office are located in Marriottsville, MD. The company’s physical expansion began in the summer of 2014, Read more »
Hiring a Passionate Employee
As a manager, you need employees that are committed to your organization’s mission and willing to work hard. Everyone can work, but hiring an employee that enjoys coming to work, exhibits go the extra mile energy, and strong dedication is essential for overall productivity. It’s important that you look for passionate employees during the interview Read more »
Traits for the Future
Today, human resource departments are in a constant struggle to find the best talent. Competition from other companies for skilled workers is fierce. But, even more unsettling is hiring for the future. With the pace of change in technology and business, today’s skills might be obsolete tomorrow. The question is, how can businesses stay ahead Read more »
Courtesy – or the Lack of It – in the Workplace
Technology has increased business effectiveness and efficiency, but in the area of human interaction, its influence has not been all good. Because technology has led to a decline in face-to-face interaction, there also has been a concurrent decline in polite behavior as well as civility and courtesy in dealing with others. Because this decline can Read more »
It IS Best to Think About a Job Offer Overnight
Your long hours and hard work have paid off – you have a job offer! Now you have a decision to make. The company wants to have your response quickly, and the job looks good. What should you do? Answer: Take the time you feel that you need to make the decision. Don’t rush it. Read more »
Closing the Sale, er, Job Candidate
You have a job candidate who looks promising, a high performer who would be a great addition to your company. He looks greats on paper, and when you talk with him on the phone, he appears eager and excited about the opportunity to join the company. So, you set up an interview with the hiring Read more »
Mergers and Employee Morale
Your company has just gone through a merger. This, naturally, is a big change for employees and presents a lot of anxiety and uncertainty in the workforce. What can you do to help lessen the uncertainty and improve morale? To help employees cope, it is important to explain to them why the merger occurred, what Read more »
Signs an Employee Is About to Leave
As a manager, you naturally are concerned about employee turnover, too much of which can be a drag on any business. And, when the competition for good talent is so keen, keeping top performers is especially important. This being the case, it would certainly be helpful to have some idea when an employee is not Read more »