Posts Tagged: construction job interviews

How to Get Your Interviewees to Open Up and Drop the Templated Answers


While resumes provide a great deal of information about the individuals who apply to your open position, candidates may look great on paper but may not be the best fit once on the job. Avoid hiring mistakes by conducting well thought out interviews. Interviewing candidates for an open position on your team is an important Read more »

Handling Decision Bias


Decision making is not an exact science. But making good decisions is important if you are looking for work or even if you already have a job. There are many factors that influence our decisions, many of which we are unaware we have. We try to make our decisions as dispassionately as possible, relying on Read more »

Taking a Vacation ON Vacation: What a Concept!


Too many people work while on vacation. Checking e-mail, sending e-mail messages/texts or even IMs to the boss or colleagues. Maybe even participating in a “short” conference call. Instead, for your next vacation, why not really take a vacation. As in, not check e-mail, not take phone calls. To not even think about work while Read more »

It IS Best to Think About a Job Offer Overnight


Your long hours and hard work have paid off – you have a job offer! Now you have a decision to make. The company wants to have your response quickly, and the job looks good. What should you do? Answer: Take the time you feel that you need to make the decision. Don’t rush it. Read more »

Reducing Stress by Reducing Your Expectations


Looking for work is a very stressful activity. But you may be able to reduce it by adjusting your attitude about the things around you. Handling stress is a topic that we often have come across before. In the modern world, handling stress has become a real concern, and many books have been written and Read more »

Using LinkedIn Successfully


LinkedIn is the most popular social media site among business professionals today. Almost everyone uses it. But, according to one social media expert, Tom Searcy, people are not using LinkedIn as effectively as they could. People could be getting a lot more out of it. Searcy lists a few of the things that people are Read more »

Comparing Online Job Search Sites


If you are looking for a job, you have no doubt used job boards online and other electronic job search tools. You probably have your own preferences as to which are the best. Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor conducted an online survey asking for the public’s opinion about the best job search sites online. Read more »

Working a Job Fair


Job Fair “season” is here! Many companies hold job fairs in late spring/early summer in order to catch new school graduates. Read below for some tips on how to work a job fair or two to your best advantage. Before you set foot in the career fair arena, be sure your resume is the best Read more »

Project-Based Job Interviews


If you are looking for a job, you should be aware of and prepared for a new trend in hiring. When hiring someone, companies traditionally looked at resumes and conducted one or more interviews. But increasingly, these traditional activities of the hiring process are being abandoned in favor of a performance-based evaluation, according to business Read more »

Nailing the Behavioral Interview


As you make your way through the interview process, you’ll undoubtedly find yourself going through what is known as a “behavioral interview” at least once. A behavioral interview simply is an interview strategy in which the interviewer/hiring manager works to find out how you behaved in certain workplace situations in the past. The premise – Read more »

After a string of failures trying to find the right person on our own, RealStreet came through for us. The first person they recommended was the person we’d been looking for all along. It doesn’t get better than that.

Joshua A. Woolley

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