Taking a Vacation ON Vacation: What a Concept!


Too many people work while on vacation. Checking e-mail, sending e-mail messages/texts or even IMs to the boss or colleagues. Maybe even participating in a “short” conference call.

Instead, for your next vacation, why not really take a vacation. As in, not check e-mail, not take phone calls. To not even think about work while away.

Think it can’t be done? Read below for some tips on how to do so.

  • Before you go, meet with the person who will take over your duties while you’re gone. If possible, put together “to do” and “how to” lists of your duties and projects. In other words, document what your replacement needs to do while you’re gone so that she can refer to the document if she has questions – rather than text you with a question while you’re on the beach.
  • Make up your in-the-office schedule for the days you first get back. Block out time in your calendar to meet with your supervisor and/or subordinates so that you’ll be updated about what took place while you were gone. You also might want to set aside (as in block out time on your calendar) to go through your e-mail box.
  • Leave the Blackberry at home. Really. Just leave it. If you don’t have a Blackberry but use a smartphone to check messages, don’t log in to your remote e-mail system. Just don’t. You’re an adult; no one makes you check messages. Take a deep breath: You can do this; you can “unplug” for a few days.
  • If you’re a manager and you want to put an end to a culture of always being “on” at your company or in your department, start by setting an example during your own vacation. If you truly are unavailable while on vacation, this sends a loud message to your subordinates, allowing them to take real time off themselves when they’re off the clock.

A vacation is supposed to be a break from your workaday world. If you really do unplug while away, just notice how relaxed and reinvigorated you are when you return. Go ahead, do it; you’ll be amazed at how great you’ll feel!

If it’s time for you to take a break on a more permanent basis from your current construction, engineering or architecture employer in the Washington Metro area, then send your resume to the recruiters at RealStreet Staffing. We can present your resume to some of DC’s top employers to help you find your next position. Contact us today!

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