Assessing Your Company Culture


Think about this scenario:

Company A has a well thought out business plan.  It has defined a gap in the market which can be exploited.  It has developed a service that people want.  But, for some reason a lot of the workforce still isn’t on board.

Company B doesn’t quite know what it wants to be when it grows up.  It has a decent set of products and fair prices.  The management team treats staff amazing and people genuinely love coming to work. 

Which company do you think is going to be more successful, company A or B?

While there are many other factors that go into success, you can make an educated guess that the company with raving employees is going to come out on top. In fact, if you look at the rankings of best companies to work for, many of those organizations are industry leaders.  Put simply, culture matters!

Have you built a culture of success?
Hopefully it’s no surprise that happy and engaged staff help drive organization-wide success.  So are you on the right track or do you need to adjust your culture?  Here are a few things you can do to assess your company culture:

Regularly survey staff.
Consider an anonymous survey that lets employees rate the organization on several different levels.  Assess overall job satisfaction, advancement opportunities, leadership, work setting, environment, etc.  By making the survey anonymous, employees will be more likely to respond truthfully and you’ll get a better indication of your culture.

Conduct exit interviews.
In many cases, money isn’t the reason an employee chooses to leave.  Whenever you’re faced with turnover, consider it a chance to improve.  Conduct thorough exit interviews with staff that is moving on to determine the real reason behind their departure.  Once you gather this information, use it to make meaningful changes to ensure your top performers don’t jump ship.

Benchmark against other companies.
Look within your local geographic region or industry and compare your organization. Consider entering local or national Best Places to Work rankings.  Most of these lists are generated from internal staff responses that are gathered anonymously through a third party.  This can give you a good indication of how you stack up to the competition and outlines areas for improvement.

Look online.
Use sites like to determine what your present and past employees really think!  Glassdoor allows employees to rate overall job satisfaction, management and detail the pros and cons of working within the organization.  Take time to research your company and stay up to date.

Don’t stop.
Once you have established a good company culture, don’t stop!  Look for new ways to motivate and engage your team.  Take the time to find out what’s truly important to your staff and uncover new ways to meet their needs.

Want to improve your culture?
We hope you find these tips helpful.  In our next blog post, we’ll highlight ways that you can improve your company culture.  And, if you have any questions or need help recruiting your next star, RealStreet Staffing can help.  Contact us today. 


I have been under the employ of RealStreet for approximately 10 years now as a TAC, or Technical Assistance Contractor, working with Homeland Security on federally declared disasters. My experience with RealStreet has been absolutely wonderful over the years with tremendous engagement provided by the principals of the firm as well as their professional supporting Read More…

Jim Hathaway

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