Building a Culture of Performance


Corporate culture governs the way employees interact and work within the organization.  For prospective employees and managers alike, the want to maintain a healthy work-life balance is becoming even more prevalent.  Therefore, it is no surprise that people find the satisfaction of working for a company with a great culture as important as the job duties they perform.  Below are a few tips to help improve your organization’s culture and ensure a positive work environment.

Live your vision daily.
It’s easy to talk about defining the mission and goals for your organization, but how often do those just become statements within a presentation, or words on a plaque in the lobby?  If your vision doesn’t play a role in the day-to-day lives of your employees, it will eventually be ignored and irrelevant.  Make sure that employees are constantly involved in defining and evolving your vision, so that it is always clear what your expectations are now and for the future.

Develop a Strategic Plan.
Lack of direction causes chaos…which is the quickest route to poor office morale. Without a defined course of action people don’t understand the expectations of management and the purpose their role plays within the organization.  Frequent changes in direction and not knowing your purpose causes frustration, misinterpretation, and burnout.  Having a defined plan will ensure each employee knows where the company is headed, and how they play a role in making sure it gets there.

It is always better to over communicate than under communicate.
Employee Relations is the most vital element of any workplace.  Without clear communication people make assumptions causing rumors to spread like wildfire and destroy office morale.  It is very important to give accurate, timely information, so that everyone is in the loop and has the correct information.  This can be as easy as devoting a few minutes of your regular meetings to keep employees up to speed on how any upcoming changes or decisions will affect them.  It is also important to actively listen to what employees are saying and respond in a timely, effective manner.

Emphasize the importance of team work.
As cliché as it sounds, if you aren’t playing as a team, nobody wins.  Companies that have the most sought-after corporate culture, emphasize the need for teamwork among employees, departments, and customers.  The days of pitting one star employee against another are over; especially in the construction industry where project managers, engineers, and architects must fully collaborate as a team in order to successfully complete assignments.   Morale is highest in teams where there is open communication and regular feedback.  Make sure to always reward teams for a job well done and show team members how much they’re appreciated.  A simple thank you can go a long way.

At RealStreet Staffing, a leading engineering recruitment firm, corporate culture is very important to us.  As you use these tips to improve your workplace culture, let our recruiters find the perfect candidates for the architecture, engineering, and construction jobs you need to fill.  Services like our rigorous True-Match selection system ensure we quickly deliver the right candidate for your needs. Contact us to see how we can help.

RealStreet has been an excellent partner in understanding our programs’ unique staffing requirements-skills, experience, clearances, seasonality—and consistently provides qualified and highly productive team members who are often recognized by our customers for their performance.

Cheryll Bissell

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