3 Ways to Motivate Your Employees to Reach Your Annual goals


With September coming to a close last week, companies are well into the 4th quarter of 2014.  For many, the last quarter is the busiest time of the year.  Don’t let the next 3 months slip away as you frantically hustle to complete goals and reach targets.  Keep employees motivated and focused on annual goals to ensure that the year ends successfully!  Here are a few tips to make sure they stay engaged through the last quarter.

Review key objectives for 2014.

In the hustle and bustle of day-to-day operations, vision often times takes the back seat.  Pull out the list of key objectives you set for this year and give employees a refresher course during your next staff meeting.  This will remind employees what’s most important to you and what the common goals are that everyone is helping to achieve.  Hopefully you’ve kept close watch on these objectives throughout the year, assessing goals and making changes based on the nature of the business. Decide, as a whole, which goals have been met, which haven’t, and which are the most important to focus on for the remainder of the year.  When employees see that you are involved and care about the goals, they won’t want to let you down.

Focus on nearly accomplished goals.

When reviewing your goals, identify successes, a few goals that are close to being achieved, and some that are going to have to wait until next year.  Unless they are urgent and important, don’t focus on the goals that would be next to impossible to reach in the next three months.  Instead, come up with an action plan to complete the nearly accomplished goals.  Choose stakeholders and delegate the steps that need to be taken to take these objectives from “nearly there” to “over the finish-line”.  Employees will be much more engaged in completing goals that they know can be achieved.


Part of being a good manager is learning what motivates your staff.  What drives them to compete?  What are their personal career goals?  What matters most? You have to set goals for your employees to strive towards.  Doing so helps boost motivation to complete the task.  Reward employees for reaching annual targets.  Even a small bonus incentivizes employees to work harder.  Employees that go out of their way to provide excellent service to customers and coworkers should be recognized and rewarded for their hard work and dedication to the organization.

Whatever you do, don’t let your credibility as a business leader falter by not being a good motivator during this important time of the year.  Be present and maintain good working relationships with your employees. Check in frequently and make sure they have the support and necessary resources to achieve goals.

If you find your organization needs a few extra professionals to achieve your 2014 goals, consider hiring temporary staff this quarter.  At RealStreet Staffing, we understand that having the right people – at just the right time – can spell the difference between the success and failure of your construction initiative.  Contact us today to talk about customized staffing solutions for your workplace.

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