3 Strategies for Replacing an Employee Discreetly


Making the decision to replace a member of your team can be a difficult one, especially if the employee holds a highly visible role. After talking it over with your core decision-makers and coming to the conclusion that it must be done, it is often best to keep the transition as quiet as possible until it is absolutely necessary to inform the rest of your staff. While adjustments can be great for business, certain changes can also cause a panic. Replacing an employee in a discreet manner minimizes the disruption of everyday business operations during the transition.

3 Tips to Discreetly Replacing an Employee

Need advice on how to quietly transition one employee out of a role while bringing a new person in? Follow these three tips to make it a success:

  1. Keep the News Confidential: Gossip travels quickly in an office. If you want to keep your decision quiet, you will need to inform team members on a strict need-to-know basis. The more people who know what’s going on, the greater the chance of word getting out to everyone.
  2. Back-Up Your Reasoning: Your choice is likely to be met with push-back and anger if you can’t provide a logical reason for the replacement. Support your decision to terminate the employee with solid evidence, such as data to support claims of under-performance. There is a much smaller chance the person will draw attention to their dismissal if they know it has merit.
  3. Don’t Conduct On-Site Interviews: People are bound to get suspicious if you parade a line of candidates through your office. Avoid this by finding an off-site space to conduct interviews. Meet with contenders at a coffee shop or rent out an office at a coworking space for the occasion.

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Request an Employee | RealStreet Staffing

The remarkable professionals at RealStreet has been a true gift for me and my family. I like so many others were terminated due to COVID slowing my prior company down and they could no longer support my position. I was in a challenging situation being the sole provider for my Mother, my children and myself. Read More…

Heather E. Almendares

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