4 Phrases to Avoid on Your Resume
Your resume has the sole power to make or break your chances of getting a job. If it is well-written and convinces the hiring manager you are a great contender, you will score an interview – otherwise you won’t. It’s that simple.
Resumes should be thorough yet concise, easy to scan and very impactful. Make every bit of the content on your resume count. Remove flowery language taking up valuable real estate and replace it with powerful descriptors that paint a clear picture of what you have to offer.
Leave these 4 Phrases Off Your Resume
How does your resume look to hiring managers? If you have any of the following terms are on your resume, it’s time to make some changes!
- Hard-worker: It’s great to be a hard-worker. In fact, companies expect that. However, it is not a skill. Don’t take up precious space on your resume by stating the obvious. Instead, use performance metrics to make it crystal clear that you’re great at what you do and would be a valuable asset to the team. Remember, showing is always better than telling.
- References Available on Request: When it comes to making a hiring decision, employers make the rules. If you are asked to provide a list of references, you are obviously going to comply, because if you don’t, you won’t get the job. Use your resume to help the reader learn more about you, instead of listing points they already know.
- Highly Qualified: If you did not think you have what it takes to do the job, you would not apply for it — or at the very least, you would leave that fact off your resume. It’s up to the hiring manager to decide if you are qualified for the position. Rather than assuming the reader will take your word that you have what it takes to do the job, make your point by sharing a few top accomplishments relative to the position.
- Motivated: Your resume is not the place to be vague. Simply saying you are motivated doesn’t tell the reader anything about you. Instead of describing yourself in this manner, share results that make it easy for anyone to draw this conclusion on their own. You can’t really convince anyone that you’re motivated unless you have something to show for it.
Stop Settling for a Job that Doesn’t Fulfill You
RealStreet Staffing, Baltimore employment firm, matches experienced construction professionals with rewarding career opportunities in the Federal, architectural, engineering and construction communities. Gain immediate access to a wide-variety of assignments with internationally known employers throughout the DC/Baltimore Metro area and the continental U.S. Contact us to get started today!