Q3 is Underway – Set the Right Tone for Your Employees this Quarter


With the first half of the year firmly in the rear-view mirror, many architecture, engineering, and construction managers are reviewing performance information from the past six months and using those details to shape future actions. While examining metrics is a must, setting the proper tone for your employees is also vital. Otherwise, motivation and morale may suffer, harming productivity.

Three Tips to Set the Tone for Your Employees in Q3

Workers traditionally look to the top of the organization to determine how they should feel about the remaining two quarters. Without a proper example, some may flounder, especially if there were performance issues earlier in the year. However, when you actively work to set the tone, you can overcome these challenges, even if significant improvements are required.

If you want to set the tone for your employees, you will need to examine your own actions and attitudes in the workplace closely. Your architecture, engineering, or construction teams will take their cues from you, often mirroring your actions and using your perspective as a guide. Here are three tips to keep in mind as you meet with your team and progress through the third quarter.

1. Be Enthusiastic

Whether the first half of the year was a triumph or not, it is important to remain enthusiastic about what the future may hold. If management seems downtrodden or riddled with doubt, that mentality will affect your employees. This can lead them to question the health and survivability of the organization, ultimately impacting productivity.

While you do not need to sugarcoat the situation, being confident that Q3 will be a success is a must. Additionally, having enthusiasm about any proposed changes designed to help improve performance increases employee buy-in, ensuring that they will be open to embracing these shifts in the name of organizational improvement.

2. Be Consistent

Consistency is paramount when you want to set the tone for your employees. Issues like double-standards or favoritism can undermine anything you may say about your company’s goals or requirements, decreasing employee confidence. In contrast, consistency removes any ambiguity about expectations, which can be reassuring and even inspiring to workers. Plus, it cements your dependability, particularly when you hold yourself to the same standards as everyone else.

3. Be Communicative

When it comes to maintaining a productive environment, you need to focus on communication. This includes keeping your workforce well informed about new developments as well as encouraging input and collaboration. Creating a workplace where employees feel confident in their leaders requires consistent communication, especially about matters that impact their roles. Further, welcoming input can improve morale, particularly if you work to ensure that your workers feel heard and respected throughout the process.

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