4 Tips for a More Efficient Job Search
Most job seekers are familiar with common search techniques regardless of whether they are looking for an entry-level position or are trying to advance their career. While some methods require more time and energy than others, a job search is rarely effortless. The good news is, that there are a number of ways individuals can increase their odds of landing an ideal job offer while expending minimal effort.
Four Tactics to Make Your Job Search More Efficient
Whether you’re passively considering new opportunities or actively searching for a new job, here are a few ways to make your job search more efficient.
1. Let Companies Come to You
With social media playing such a significant role in hiring, use it to your advantage. Clean up your online presence, ensure content is relevant to your ideal job(s) and adjust settings to ensure that personal profiles are private and professional profiles are visible. More and more organizations are turning to social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn, to find qualified applicants. By making your profile public, you could be approached by an employer looking to fill a vacancy, ultimately allowing a portion of your job search to be predominately passive.
2. Embrace Automation
With the nearly endless supply of job boards – ranging from general to industry-specific, such as those targeting architecture, engineering and construction professionals – it can be hard to sort through every potential opportunity. However, most of these sites allow you to set up searches based on your parameters, and those results can often get sent directly to an email address. This approach eliminates much of the searching and scrolling you would otherwise have to manage and ensures you are informed about relevant vacancies as soon as possible.
3. Prepare a Few Versions of Your Resume
Most professionals are aware that a targeted resume is more likely to obtain positive results. Often, job seekers revamp their resume each and every time they identify a potential position to make sure it addresses the requirements. While that approach can be effective, it isn’t as efficient.
Instead of maintaining a single copy of your resume, produce a few based on various skill sets or the general requirements of like vacancies. When you need to customize the content, you can start with the version that most closely matches that position, saving you time.
4. Work with a Recruiter
Sometimes, the most expedient way to manage a job search is to connect with a recruiter who specializes in your industry. This approach gives you access to the recruiter’s wealth of knowledge as well as their professional network and local area ties. For job seekers who are currently employed, these services can be ideal, as they allow you to concentrate on your current role without having to sacrifice your goal of obtaining a new job.
Contact a Company that Knows the Industry
If you are ready to move forward in your architecture, engineering or construction career, the professional recruiters at RealStreet can help you reach your goals. Contact us today to begin your search and see how our services can work for you.