Is it Time to Consider a Career Change?


Are you satisfied in your current role? As a talented, hardworking professional you deserve happiness. Whether you have been treading water in the same position or have recently come to the realization that your role is not an ideal long-term fit, it might be time to consider a change.

7 Reasons to Begin Looking for a Better Job

Your job is a huge part of who you are. If you lack satisfaction, it could start to encroach on your personal life and hinder your professional development. If any of the following seven situations reflect your current career, it might be time to consider new opportunities:

1. You No Longer Feel Challenged

When you begin a new job, everything is fresh and exciting! However, without career progression, perceptions of the same duties might dull overtime. If your work has become mundane, it might be time for a change. Do not waste your talents on a job you could essentially do in your sleep. Instead, seek opportunities that challenge your abilities and expand your knowledge.

2. There Are No Opportunities for Advancement

As a talented professional, you look to the future, always thinking ahead to the next step up the ladder. If your company offers no upward mobility and and you feel as though there is nothing left to learn in your current position, it might be time to consider your options. Do not remain in a stagnant situation waiting for a promotion that will never happen. A new job can provide the means to advance your career, ideally into a role with continuous learning opportunities as well as upwards mobility.

3. You Are Not Being Paid a Fair Salary

Money is not everything, but the size of your paycheck can influence your quality of life. While the amount might vary from company to company there is an expectation of being paid your worth. Salary is typically determined based on a number of factors; e.g. supply and demand of labor, location and the responsibilities of the role.  If the salary is not competitive or if you are overworked, it could impact your self perception, work-life balance, job satisfaction and eventually career development.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics maintains updated salary information for more than 800 occupations, adjusted by industry and geographical area. There are also a number of websites and salary calculators available online for reference. Utilize such tools to evaluate how well your paycheck measures up from a competitive standpoint. Factor in the responsibilities of the role and the work performed. If you are not paid what you are worth, it might be time to consider new opportunities.

4. You Do Not Get Along With Your Manager

In your professional life, there are few things worse than having a bad boss. A bad boss can be toxic to the company culture, as well as their subordinates’ job satisfaction and professional development. Examples include managers that ignore talent, stunt career growth and constantly behave in a disrespectful manner. You deserve a boss who treats you kindly and helps you develop your skills, not one who seemingly strives to make life miserable. If you are unable to resolve the situation, ensure a positive career progression by seeking employment with a different company, one with a healthier work environment.

5. The Company Culture is Toxic

A bad (or worse, toxic) culture can make a job unbearable. There are a number of factors about a company’s culture that could negatively impact an employee’s work, for example:

  • Are expectations frequently unclear, changing or unreasonable?
  • Is the workload unrealistic?
  • Are individuals disrespectful to one another?
  • Are employees treated unequally?
  • Is there a lack of accountability?

This isn’t just a bad day, or a rough patch for the business, but ongoing problems that last day in and day out. Ideally, you could talk to someone to address the issues and help usher in change. Unfortunately, if the issues are deeply rooted and you don’t see any results, it might be time to put some feelers out into the job market to keep your opportunities open.

6. You Have a Poor Work / Life Balance

Working overtime every once in a while is part of most jobs, but you need a solid work / life balance to enjoy a happy and healthy existence. Dedicating most of your free time to work is no way to live and will eventually lead to a burnout. This can be especially disheartening if your salary doesn’t match the expected amount of work. Search for an opportunity at a company that will respect your personal life, pay you what you are worth and encourage a balanced lifestyle.

7. Work Does Not Make You Happy

A sense of accomplishment is an important aspect of a career. After all, you spend at least 40 hours a week at work. If you don’t find your job fulfilling, it could have a significant impact on your quality of life. Analyze your situation to determine the causes of your unhappiness, as well as what how changes could improve your perception of your job. While it’s possible that a new role could increase your job satisfaction, a critical evaluation should also indicate the need to seek employment at another company or industry. Even if you are not ready to take the leap, this understanding will help you establish new career goals and eventually help take that next step.

Take the Next Step in Your Career with RealStreet!

Is it time for a change? RealStreet can help you locate the next step in your career. RealStreet is the leading source for rewarding opportunities in the architectural, engineering and construction and engineering communities. Contact us to find a exciting new job at a company that truly deserves your hard work and dedication!

I have worked with RealStreet for the past five years to provide supplemental staffing for two federal government contracts. It has been a great partnership. I find RealStreet to be attentive and responsive to our needs, reliable, and they consistently find great people that fit what we need for multiple roles on two different programs.

Kevin T. Fitzpatrick, PMP, Peer Review Program Manager

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