Increase Employee Happiness and Boost Productivity with these 9 Tips


When you’ve hired talented workers, it is frustrating when productivity levels are below what they are capable of achieving. While it can be easy to assume these individuals are lazy or simply lack the drive to succeed, there is a good chance that is not the case. There is a direct correlation between the happiness of your employees and their productivity. If your team has low levels of job satisfaction, there is a good chance their unhappiness is the root of the problem. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to re-energize your staff. For example, you can:

1. Promote Healthy Lifestyles

Your employees are busy professionals, and they probably feel like there are not enough hours in the day. Unfortunately, they may make choices that negatively impacts their health in the interest of time. For example, they might turn to packaged snacks or fast food as a way to get a quick meal. While this may satisfy their immediate hunger, eating unhealthy foods has a number of adverse effects, including slashing production levels. Physical activity is also good for the mind and body, so encourage your employees to stay active.  Remember, healthy employees are much happier, energetic and productive!

2. Encourage Balance

Time away from work is necessary for your employees to relax and recharge. However, many people get so wrapped up in their work that they neglect themselves and their personal lives. If your employees are showing signs of being overworked, such as anxiety, poor performance or a lack of motivation, your employees might be burnt out. Encourage your employees to take care of themselves and to use their paid time off. Whether they choose to travel or have a stay-cation is up to them. They just need to have some time away from work to recharge.

3. Initiate Team Building Activities

Your employees are a team working together for the success of your company. It is important to foster the relationships between these individuals to ensure that they work cohesively. People tend to work better together and try harder to succeed when they are part of a team they really care about. Help your employees bond by hosting company lunches, happy hours, family picnics, holiday parties and other fun events where they can relax and get to know one another on a more personal level.

4. Host a Friendly Competition

When productivity declines at the office or on a job site, a bit of friendly competition can help get things done more effectively. After all, it adds a fun challenge that encourages employees to up their game. Competitions don’t even need to be overly complicated or costly, the reward only needs to be enough to push them to succeed.

5. Encourage Growth

Most employees have a desire to grow and develop professionally. While it is good for employers to recognize hard work and success, professional development does not always refer to promotions and raises. Individuals also appreciate opportunities for continuous learning. This could range from webinars to paid certifications, or reimbursement for outside learning. Employees not only become more knowledgeable and motivated, (which can directly relate to productivity) but also more marketable for your business.

6. Celebrate Success

Your employees work hard. Sure, hard work is a reasonable expectation of a manager or owner but make sure that you acknowledge their effort and dedication. Give credit for a job well done at the next meeting or have a pizza party when your team finishes a big project. Celebrations don’t always need to be grandiose gestures, simply saying great job today can go a long way towards making someone feel appreciated.

7. Provide Feedback

No one is perfect! Even the best employees inevitably mess up from time to time. If your expectations weren’t met or a mistake was made, help your employees grow by providing them with feedback.  Make suggestions if you see an alternative way something could have been done to reach a more successful outcome.

8. Ask for Feedback

People like to know their opinion counts. Have periodic check-ins with employees to see how they are doing and to ask if they have any questions, concerns or suggestions moving forward. If your office environment requires (or might respond better to) anonymous options, create a suggestion box for people to submit ideas for improvement or periodically send an anonymous email survey where they can provide feedback. Use the comments and ideas your employees provide to implement changes that make your organization an even better place to work.

9. Pay Employees What They’re Worth

Money isn’t everything, but it’s a major consideration for employees. If you’re not already paying your employees well, it’s time to make a change. Otherwise, they might slip away. Your employees know what they are worth professionally and being underpaid will eventually impact their performance.

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