Advance Your Career in the New Year!
Many architecture, engineering and construction professionals set career related resolutions this time of the year, but how many people see them through? The key is setting realistic but challenging objectives and creating the plan to complete each one. This is often easier said than done. Luckily, there are steps you can take to help ensure that you accomplish your goals in the coming year.
4 Tips to Setting (and Sticking to) Career Related Resolutions
1. Reflect on Your Past Experience
Reflection provides you with a chance to give your architecture, engineering or construction career context. Planning for the future is nearly impossible if you do not acknowledge where you are today and where you were yesterday. After all, if you don’t know yourself (your strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, values and goals) how can you know what career choices to make moving forward?
2. Determine What You Want to Accomplish
Career advancement comes in many forms, so it’s important to decide which direction appeals to you. Perhaps you want to get a certification, transition into a different type of role or earn a promotion. There is no wrong answer. Setting your end goal helps you make strides in the right direction throughout the year.
3. Identify Steps and Set a Schedule
Identify what is required to advance along a path towards your goal. Focus on actionable items that you can start doing, paying attention to time-sensitive details (such as certain dates when a test is offered to earn a certification or license). Once you have the tasks identified, establish a schedule with challenging (but attainable) deadlines.
4. Hold Yourself Accountable
Track your progress and hold yourself accountable to your plan. As you progress, celebrate your successes! This will increase your motivation and enable you to focus on your end goal with a positive mindset.
RealStreet Can Help You Meet Your Career Goals
If you are interested in taking the next step in your architecture, engineering or construction career, the talented team at RealStreet can help. Our recruiters have the skills, tools and experience to match you to your ideal job in the new year! Don’t wait until your struggling to stick to your resolutions. Submit your resume and get the process started today!