Inside Tips on How to Bring Up Salary During an Interview


When you are seeking a new architecture, engineering, or construction position, salary is often a significant factor when it comes to deciding whether an opportunity can meet your needs. However, many companies do not provide compensation information in their job postings. When this occurs, the earliest point when you can learn more about the topic is usually during the interview.

The hiring manager for the job is often already aware of what the organization is prepared to offer in regards to salary. However, broaching this potentially sensitive topic is not always easy and should be executed tactfully. The following suggestions can help you execute this task with ease and grace.

How to Prepare for Salary Discussions

Before you consider bringing up the topic of salary during an interview, it is wise to learn what your skills are worth in today’s market. Begin by researching comparable positions to discover a fair salary range. Then, consider whether your experience level aligns with those ranges.

Additionally, you also want to examine how other forms of compensation may make a position more or less attractive. For example, a bonus structure or particular benefits – such as a fantastic medical plan or flexible work structure – could offset a lower salary. The opportunity to gain on-the-job professional development or move up the ladder could provide value as well.

How to Bring Up Salary During an Interview

After you have completed the necessary research, you are now well positioned to have the conversation. At times, the hiring manager may introduce the topic first, allowing you to engage in a dialog. If this occurs, you do not have to provide a precise number. Instead, you can cite the range that you discovered during your research and simply add that you find that acceptable.

Avoid rushing the topic during an initial interview. If the hiring manager does not broach the topic, one option is to bring it up near the end of the interview. For instance, if they ask if you have any questions for them, it could be an appropriate juncture to bring up salary. However, you want to proceed cautiously. If you absolutely must know, ask whether the company has designated a salary range for the position. This provides a little more flexibility and may help open the door to a more in-depth discussion.

Is There a Risk Associated with Bringing Up Salary During an Interview?

To put it simply, yes. The hiring manager may view your request for information as premature or assume that you are less concerned with the nature of the role and more focused on pay, especially if this is merely the first interview. Ultimately, that may not reflect positively on you and could hurt your chances of being selected.

If you are in a second-round interview, the risk is substantially less. At this point, you can be fairly certain you are a top candidate and likely have a general idea of whether you are still interested in the job, so addressing salary begins to become appropriate. However, if you want to play it as safe as possible, waiting until an initial job offer is on the table is usually the best approach.

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