
When you are trying to land a new architecture, engineering or construction position, appearing confident during the interview is a must. When you seem self-assured, the hiring manager will have more confidence in your capabilities. In contrast, if your responses are tinged with doubt or you come off as anxious, the hiring manager may question whether you are capable of excelling in the role.

How to Act More Confident in an Interview

While having a natural level of confidence is ideal, it is not inherently necessary. Instead, you simply need to be perceived as confident by the hiring manager. By taking the proper approach and adopting appropriate mannerisms, you can come off as more self-assured. Here are some tips that can help you act more confident in an interview, increasing the odds you will make a positive impression.

1. Make an Appropriate Amount of Eye Contact

A lack of direct eye contact suggests you do not entirely believe what you are saying. People who are not being honest usually struggle to look a hiring manager in the eye, fearing that their falsehoods will be discovered. However, excessive eye contact does not portray confidence either. Instead, it can be interpreted as aggressive, as if you are trying to force the hiring manager to see things from the perspective you are outlining.

Appropriate levels of eye contact are not hard to maintain. One of the easiest ways to proceed, is to look the hiring manager in the eye as you initially respond to a question. Then, break eye contact momentarily as you start your next sentence. Finally, make eye contact again before you complete that second sentence or thought. This approach helps develop a suitable pattern, so you’ll strike the right balance.

2. Do Not Be Afraid to Pause Before You Answer

Rambling is often a sign of nervousness. However, the tendency to keep talking once you start or veer off on tangents can make you appear scattered. Avoid rambling, and appear more confident, by embracing brief pauses.

For example, when the hiring manager asks a question, take a moment to consider what was asked. Mentally formulate your reply for a second or two, focusing on a core point or concept, and then proceed with your answer. This allows you to collect your thoughts and be strategic. Not only will you appear more confident, you will also come off as thoughtful and intentional.

3. Adopt a Positive Mindset and Maintain It

Often, nervousness is what hinders a candidate from seeming confident during an interview. Doubts about whether they will make a good impression impact their mentality. As a result, their mannerisms and replies are altered. Essentially, allowing their anxiety to play a role in how they respond to questions.

Even if you are anxious, it is possible to calm your nerves before and during an interview. Instead of letting doubts impact your mentality, actively strive to keep your mindset positive. Remember, you would not have been called in for an interview if your resume was not impressive. Use that knowledge to support the idea you deserve to be in the interview and you have a lot to offer.

Are You Ready to Interview for a New Architecture, Engineering or Construction Position?

By following the above tips, you can appear confident during your next interview. If you would like to explore new opportunities, the skilled team at RealStreet can make securing your perfect opportunity easier than ever. Contact us to discuss your ideal role with one of our recruiters and to see how our services can help you find a suitable opportunity quickly and efficiently.

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