Posts Tagged: Washington DC construction staffing

Onboarding the Right Way


In the past, orienting a new hire was usually relegated to some lower-level worker in the human resources department, and after that brief introduction to the company, the new employee was on his own. Now, however, things are different because businesses realize the importance of getting new employees up to speed, making them feel welcome Read more »

Write It Right


Writing is something we all do in a business environment, and as someone once said about common sense, we all feel we are proficient at it because it is such a common activity. But, as with anything else, there is good writing and there is bad writing. Good writing on the whole is simple, clear, Read more »

The Hunt for the Perfect Job Candidate


When companies have a job opening, they naturally would like to hire the perfect candidate for the job, a person with just the right education, experience, and skill, and willing to work for what the company will pay him or her. And for this reason, jobs often remain vacant for a long time as companies Read more »

Giving Your Mind a Rest


To be at our best, whether looking for a position or working in a demanding job, we need to take breaks from time to time. Recent research has lent support to this piece of common sense wisdom. Taking breaks rejuvenates our mind, gives it the space it needs for creativity. The problem is that during Read more »

How to Conduct a Truly Thorough Reference Check


Reference checks. All employers make them, but not all employers get the most out of them. Often, they are just cursory communications, where the caller is more interested in having his or her good opinion of the candidate reinforced than anything else. So, how can you get the most out of reference checks? Business executive Read more »

Employee Assistance Programs


Employee Assistance Programs, or EAPs, are evolving, and they are doing a lot more than they have in the past, something that human resources staff should be aware of. As companies look for economical and effective ways to help employees stay happy and productive, EAPs now are providing a lot of new and different services, Read more »

I have been under the employ of RealStreet for approximately 10 years now as a TAC, or Technical Assistance Contractor, working with Homeland Security on federally declared disasters. My experience with RealStreet has been absolutely wonderful over the years with tremendous engagement provided by the principals of the firm as well as their professional supporting Read More…

Jim Hathaway

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