Reasons to Hire the Unemployed


Although there may be issues involving discrimination, some companies still will not even consider hiring people who are unemployed. There is a bias against the unemployed because of the general assumption that during layoffs, it is usually those who are the least productive who go first. But as Jim Stroud, a corporate recruiting expert notes, Read more »

Today’s Informational Interview


As most people know, there are different kinds of interviews, and different interviewing techniques. Most of the attention given to interviews goes to those where a job is at stake. But there is another kind of interview —  the informational interview — that doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves, because it too can Read more »

Reinventing Yourself and Your Resume


When writing a resume, we have a certain image of our career in mind, an image of how it has progressed, and what we have done. It is this version that we present to employers when we apply for a job. But career counselor Penelope Trunk says that if we are looking to switch careers Read more »

Why You’re Not Getting the Job


It has become a common lament among job seekers, one you hear often. They send out hundreds upon hundreds of resumes, all to no avail. There is no doubt that in their job search they are working hard, but the question is, are they working smart? If you send out several hundred resumes and do Read more »

Do Job Search “Gimmicks” Work?


With the job market as bad as it is, most job hunters are looking at ways to make themselves stand out from the crowd. In other words, doing something that is unique and creative as part of the job search. This obviously is not anything new. Job seekers always have tried unusual ways of getting Read more »

How Important is HR Certification?


There is a lively debate going on in the business world about the idea of certification in human resources. Namely, does it enable an increase in effectiveness or does it just represent a body of knowledge steeped in old, conventional ways of thinking. At some companies, certification is mandatory, while other companies wrinkle their noses Read more »

The Importance of Stories at Work


One very good way of learning about how things are going at a company and the atmosphere of the company is to listen to the stories employees tell about their work experiences. You may hear more positive stories – about the hard work that people do to keep their customers happy, or how they work Read more »

Candidates Are Interested in More than Just a Job’s Duties


As you try to fill openings at your company with the most talented people possible, you are obviously working to come up with the best questions to ask job candidates. Naturally, applicants have questions of their own, some more probing than others. But it is to these more probing questions that your human resources department Read more »

RealStreet Staffing Wins American Staffing Association National Communications Award


RealStreet Staffing, headquartered in Marriottsville, MD, was awarded in the “Radio Advertising” and “Other Advertising” categories in the 2011 American Staffing Association Staffing VOICE Awards competition. This national annual awards program recognizes the best ASA member communications campaigns in 16 categories, from direct mail to public service. President of RealStreet Staffing, Judy McGovern, is extremely Read more »

How to Tell Employers What They Want to Know


“Tell me a little about yourself.” That’s a common line in any job interview. It’s something you should know is coming and something for which you should prepare. You should have some idea as to how you are going to answer such a question, so you’re not left stammering or giving a rambling, hard-to-follow answer. Read more »

The RealStreet folks are always helpful. They were instrumental in landing me a rewarding FEMA assignment in Southern California.

KC Green

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