Get a Good Night’s Sleep to be More Productive in the Morning
Workplace sleep deprivation has become an epidemic. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, sleep deprivation costs American companies $63.2 billion a year in lost productivity. Even moderate sleep deficits can result in a 50 percent slower response time and a lower accuracy rate on simple tasks than someone who is under the influence Read more »
Appreciation in the Workplace: A Win-Win Cultural Practice for Managers and Employees Alike
For the vast majority of the population, work is an essential part of life. However, despite the necessity, one’s job is often not viewed as a simple means to an end. It is a career, and to many a life-long passion. Furthermore, today’s workforce is becoming increasingly accustomed to blurred lines between their work and Read more »
How to Tap into Your Network to Land Your Next Assignment
When looking for a new job opportunity, candidates sometimes overthink certain aspects of the search process. After all, dream opportunities rarely fall into one’s lap. While a successful job search often requires a great deal of time and work, there are ways to optimize the process to make the most of any efforts made. For Read more »
Why You Should Work with a Professional Services Provider When Expanding Your Workforce This Fall
The autumn season is well underway and the end of the year is rapidly approaching. During this time, production often ramps up to ensure that projects are completed on time and that business goals are met. To do so, many businesses find that they need to increase their workforce. However, in today’s candidate-centric environment, competition Read more »
Four Reasons a Healthy Breakfast Will Help You Show Up to the Worksite Mentally Prepared and Ready for the Day
Chances are you were raised hearing, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Doctors and scientists continue to recommend that people start their day with a good breakfast, preferably one high in protein and fiber, containing some healthy fat and with as little sugar as possible. However, between busy personal lives and rushing Read more »
How to Clearly and Definitively Discuss Past Project Experience During an Interview
A job interview is a perfect opportunity to showcase your skills to a hiring manager by sharing concrete examples from your previous experience. When preparing to meet with an employer, review past projects you’ve worked on and skills you have acquired. Reflect on any leadership responsibilities you took on and (most importantly) how this experience Read more »
Why Accountability on the Worksite is a Team Issue and Should NOT Just be Management-Driven
When considering workplace accountability, it’s natural to assume employees are simply held accountable by their managers. After all, every job has duties to uphold, metrics to meet and goals to reach. It’s incumbent upon managers to hold their employees accountable to these standards. Co-workers should be accountable to each other as well. Increasingly, companies depend Read more »
Is Friendly Competition a Healthy Way to Improve Productivity on the Worksite?
When productivity declines at the office or on a job site, a bit of friendly competition can help get things done more effectively. After all, it adds a fun challenge and a personal incentive to win. Often, it doesn’t even need to be overly complicated or costly. The reward, (or consequences) needs to be enough Read more »
Establish and Develop Knowledge Pools at Work to Encourage Employees to Share Their Insights With One Another
Your employees represent a wealth of knowledge and experience. However, that does not mean they are sharing their insight with each other effectively. Silos can easily develop, stymying the flow of information. Similarly, a culture that is not conducive to knowledge sharing can hinder the intellectual wealth of the organization. Architecture, engineering and construction companies Read more »
Take a Proactive Approach to Job Searching to Ensure that You are Ready For Your Your Next Great Job Opportunity
Looking for a new job is a process that few individuals look forward to throughout their career. Despite that, many neglect to take a proactive approach, especially when they are already employed. After all, it’s easy to push dull or seemingly daunting tasks, such as updating your resume, to the back of your mind when Read more »