Posts Tagged: Job Search in Baltimore

How to Determine Whether You are a Good Match for a Company’s Culture


When interviewing for a new job, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment, trying to say all the right things in order to impress the hiring manager. However, you are interviewing the company too. Even when a job seems perfect, it’s important to determine whether the company is a good cultural fit as Read more »

Relaunch and Refocus…Finding a Job that Excites You in the New Year!


Happy New Year! Now that the new year has begun, it’s time to start working on your list of resolutions. If you vowed to relaunch your career and focus on finding a job that truly excites you, this year is going to be filled with hard work and amazing rewards! Finding a job you love Read more »

If You Want the Job use These Follow-Up Emails Tips!


You wrote an excellent cover letter, crafted a perfect resume, and made it through the interview process. Now it’s time to rest while you await the employer’s decision, right? Wrong.  For some employers, how candidates follow up after the interview can make or break whether they get the job.  Sending a well-written follow up email Read more »

Use the New Year to Revamp Your Job Search


Whether you’ve been on the hunt for a while or are recently entering the job market,  an extended job search can leave you discouraged and emotionally drained.  However, a new year brings new hope and fresh start.  Statistics show that many companies plan their hiring efforts in the first quarter of the year, so now Read more »

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