Posts Tagged: Baltimore Staffing Agencies

How to Get Noticed by Companies When Searching for a New Job


Looking for a new job can be a taxing process, often requiring a great deal of time and effort. To be successful, you need to do more than simply update your resume, you need to stand out from the competition. While this is often easier said than done, the outcome is well worth the effort. Read more »

Why Company Culture Is Important


Company culture is not just a trendy catchphrase. While in recent years the importance of it has come to the forefront, the need for a clearly defined culture is essential to ongoing business success. Why does it matter? Companies that neglect to establish and maintain a strong identity (through shared values, practices, and beliefs) face Read more »

Tips for Finding the Best Employees


Whether you need to hire a construction management professional or an architect, top talent can be difficult to find. Many companies solely rely on their HR department to source candidates. Unfortunately this approach is not always effective, and when positions remain unfilled or are filled by unqualified candidates, companies suffer; e.g. missed deadlines, higher overtime Read more »

Why is RealStreet the Right Choice?


Filling open architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) positions can take a great deal of time and energy. Ease your efforts by joining forces with RealStreet! With exclusive industry focus, extensive recruiting and AEC experience and a plethora proven processes, we have the resources needed to find top talent fast! Five Benefits of Partnering With RealStreet Before Your Read more »

If You Want the Job use These Follow-Up Emails Tips!


You wrote an excellent cover letter, crafted a perfect resume, and made it through the interview process. Now it’s time to rest while you await the employer’s decision, right? Wrong.  For some employers, how candidates follow up after the interview can make or break whether they get the job.  Sending a well-written follow up email Read more »

Wrap up 2013 & Look to the Future!


Congratulations! You made it through another year!  As you take a look back on 2013, review your annual goals.  Did you achieve all your business objectives?  If not, use these key steps to refocus your efforts and ensure that 2014 is a success. Celebrate Past Successes. Look back at 2013, and acknowledge your accomplishments. Congratulate Read more »

Tips on How to Ask “Did I Get the Job?”


Your resume made the cut, you made it through the phone screen, and you had an excellent interview for the most perfect job position.  After the interview, you sent out your Thank You e-mails to all the right people and let them know how interested you are in the position. Now, for the past week, Read more »

Maximizing Productivity Through Incentives


While a paycheck is a great incentive to work hard, it takes more than that to motivate most employees.  Your workforce is composed of a diverse group of employees with different desires and priorities, so a one size fits all incentive program is often not the best answer.  Motivated employees with high levels of engagement Read more »

RealStreet has been a valued business partner on our federal contracts for a period of 12 years. At every instance they have provided the highest quality staff with a sense of urgency and with great professionalism. They have invested their capital to understand our clients and industry needs.By prequalifying their staff with all necessary training Read More…

Guy Frearson, PMP, Associate Vice President

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