Posts Categorized: Project Management Best Practices

Late to Work


If you have employees who are chronically late to work, what can human resources do to handle a problem like this before it reaches the point where termination enters the picture? The first thing to do, says human resource specialist Ellen Raim, is find out more about the situation of the employee with the tardiness Read more »

Yes, Qualified Job Candidates DO Exist


Despite the high unemployment, a common complaint of companies is that they still cannot find qualified workers. But research by human resource specialists is showing the problem may not be with the quality of the job candidates but with the unrealistic expectations of employers. According to Peter Cappelli, director of the Center for Human Resources Read more »

New Standards for Measuring Company Investment in Employees


The Society for Human Resource Management is coming up with a new standard for measuring the way companies invest in their workforces. The idea is to develop specific criteria that are measurable and concrete that will enable companies to show the investments they are making in their employees. Under the plan, currently in draft form, Read more »

Onboarding and Employee Turnover


According to one source, the top issue for business during the next decade will be attracting and keeping the best workers. It is an ongoing problem for companies to find the right people. The issue becomes even more significant when you consider the results of a new survey, which shows that one-fourth of all new Read more »

Benefits of Phased Retirements to Both Companies and Workers


As our workforce ages and there become less younger workers available to take the baby boomers’ place, some companies are looking to implement what is known as “phased retirement.” Phased retirement is when employees work part time at a company instead of retiring completely. This allows a company to retain their skills, knowledge and expertise Read more »

Does Diversity Training Work?


For a long time, diversity training, normally the bailiwick of the human resources department, has been a staple of corporate education programs. The intention of such programs is to prevent lawsuits and also to create an atmosphere at a company where all of the employees are valued and respected regardless of their background. The idea Read more »

Helping with the Transition to Retirement


Recent surveys show that retirement planning issues have become increasingly important to employees, and that companies are doing more to help their employees plan for retirement. Some businesses are even rethinking the types of retirement plans they offer, and also making financial counseling available to employees. The increased concern about retirement comes on the heels Read more »

Employee Assistance Programs


Employee Assistance Programs, or EAPs, are evolving, and they are doing a lot more than they have in the past, something that human resources staff should be aware of. As companies look for economical and effective ways to help employees stay happy and productive, EAPs now are providing a lot of new and different services, Read more »

When to Hire an HR Manager


How big does a company have to be before it hires a full-time human resource manager? According to Beth Sussman of Dovetail Human Resources, there really is no special number of workers that a company should have before hiring a full-time human resources manager. Instead, she says, what you need to look at are the Read more »

Dealing with Difficult People


Working in human resources – or in any other of your company’s departments – sooner or later, you are going to have to work with someone – or a group of people – whom you really don’t like. It may be someone who thinks that the world revolves around him and his brilliant mind, someone who Read more »

I have worked with RealStreet for the past five years to provide supplemental staffing for two federal government contracts. It has been a great partnership. I find RealStreet to be attentive and responsive to our needs, reliable, and they consistently find great people that fit what we need for multiple roles on two different programs.

Kevin T. Fitzpatrick, PMP, Peer Review Program Manager

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