Posts Categorized: Hiring Advice

What Makes A Good Interview Question?


You have sifted through resumes, conducted phone screens, and found a few top candidates that you think will be the right fit for the job. You know making a bad hiring decision can be costly to your organization, so how do you know which one to pick? Asking the right interview questions will help you Read more »

Tips for a Good Phone Interview


Phone interviews are a critical part of a good hiring process.  They allow you to determine if a candidate’s qualification’s experience, workplace preferences, and salary needs are congruent with the position you’re offering in a cost-effective manner. The candidate’s responses will help you decide whether or not to continue with a face-to-face interview.  Here are Read more »

Start Treating Your Employees Better!


Aside from it being a moral responsibility, treating your employees well has a great impact on the success of your organization. Unhappy workers won’t be productive or feel inclined to achieve their full potential.  If you want to truly engage your employees, you must treat them the same way you treat your customers. Doing so Read more »

Wrap up 2013 & Look to the Future!


Congratulations! You made it through another year!  As you take a look back on 2013, review your annual goals.  Did you achieve all your business objectives?  If not, use these key steps to refocus your efforts and ensure that 2014 is a success. Celebrate Past Successes. Look back at 2013, and acknowledge your accomplishments. Congratulate Read more »

Common Mistakes when Hiring in a Hurry


When you’re in a time crunch to staff up for new business or fill a position vacancy, it can be tempting to hire the first person that applies.  However, few decisions are more crucial to the success of your business than choosing the right employees to bring on board.  Making a bad hire can end Read more »

Is Your Phone Interview Giving You a Chance?


Because they’re generally brief, phone interviews save companies time and serve as a realistic screening alternative for out-of-town candidates.  Today, many companies have an initial phone screening before deciding which applicants to bring in for an in-person meeting. The first time talking with a hiring manager can lead to increased nerves and anxiety.  This may Read more »

Hiring a Passionate Employee


As a manager, you need employees that are committed to your organization’s mission and willing to work hard.  Everyone can work, but hiring an employee that enjoys coming to work, exhibits go the extra mile energy, and strong dedication is essential for overall productivity.  It’s important that you look for passionate employees during the interview Read more »

When Is the Right Time to Hire Temp Help?


When you run a business, payroll is a large part of your monthly budget and can be very costly if you are over or under staffed.  In order to keep unnecessary costs to a minimum, it is important to have an understanding of how to properly manage your staffing.   Doing so will ensure that you’re Read more »

Using Temporary Help to its Full Potential


Depending on which statistics you look at, anywhere from 15 million to 42 million workers in America are non-permanent employees.  Known under the titles of temps, contractors, freelancers, contingent workers, etc., businesses today are utilizing temporary staff to get work done.  Whether you need a CEO or an electrical engineer, there’s a temp for that. Read more »

Choosing the Right Candidate


Finding the right candidate for job is never an easy task.  If you hire the wrong person it can be expensive, damaging to your work environment, and very time consuming.  Hiring the correct person on the other hand will enhance your work culture and pay you back in high employee morale. You’ve pulled together a Read more »

We have had an eight-year relationship with RealStreet on a number of federal construction management contracts. They have been extremely responsive to our needs, helping us fill a variety of construction services positions, often with short notice. They have been a reliable and responsive partner, and we can always count on them to quickly deliver Read More…

Tony Leketa, PE, Executive Vice President

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