Posts Categorized: Project Management Best Practices

Increase Your Overall Productivity By Working Smarter, Not Harder


Are you having trouble achieving everything you want to accomplish each day? Before overworking yourself and burning out, look at all the factors. Are you working hard and do you have the necessary knowledge, tools and resources? If so, the problem may be your approach to completing the work. You may not need to work Read more »

Tired of Saying Yes to Everything at Work? Here is How to Start Saying No


You give your all to your job each day, but you can only tackle so much at one time. If working overtime has become your standard because you avoid saying no at all costs, it is time for a change. It will take time, but learning to set boundaries and recognizing when to say no Read more »

3 Reasons Why Temporary Employment is The Solution to Supplement Vacation Time


Peak vacation time has arrived, and your employees are eager to cash in their Paid Time Off (PTO). You want your team to be happy, but can be hard to keep the business running when multiple people plan to be out of the office at the same time. Thankfully, there is an easy solution that Read more »

How to Make Contract Employees Feel Like They Are a Part of Your Team


While contract employees sometimes only work for a company for a short time, such as for the duration of a project they are still a part of the team. Hired for a specific skill set, or to assist the permanent staff during a busy season, these individuals contribute a great deal to the company’s success. Unfortunately, the Read more »

Improve Overall Productivity by Giving Sick and Distressed Employees the Day Off


Everyone has an off day every now and again. Your employees are only human. From time to time, they get sick and have family problems, which will impact their productivity. If one of your employees comes into work weighed down by external forces, telling them to go home is likely best for everyone. Many will Read more »

Working Indoors on a Construction Assignment? Is the Indoor Lighting Conducive for Maximum Productivity?


Working in construction often means your team spends a portion of the day outside. Laboring away in the fresh air, under sunny skies is an ideal work environment for many. After all, natural light is often a energy booster. Of course, not  all construction projects or tasks take place outdoors. Do you notice a difference Read more »

Are Personal Finances and Struggles Impacting Your Employees’ Performance?


Money is not the most important thing in life, but it certainly makes a difference. The results of a recent SunTrust survey revealed that 75% of Americans are under some type of financial stress. Whether the pressure is caused by debt, a pile of unpaid medical bills or uncertainty about their retirement savings, these struggles Read more »

How to Decrease Employee Distractions to Get the Highest Level of Output From All Individuals


Employees are paid to do a job. When your employees step foot in the office each morning, you expect them to get to work immediately and give 100% to their work. While most of your employees are probably loyal and hard-working, they face a myriad of diversions each day. Even the best employees get distracted from Read more »

Three Ways to Reward Your Employees for a Successful 2016


Before bidding farewell to 2016, take a moment to reflect on the past year. It is important to remember that the successes seen by your company would not have been possible without your hardworking staff. Reward your employees for their ongoing efforts and dedication.   Three Ways to Thank Your Team for a Great 2016 1. Throw Read more »

4 Safety Tips for Outdoor Employees this Summer


Working outdoors can be truly enjoyable, especially for those who dislike being cooped up inside an office all day. However, summer’s high temperatures can cause serious problems. With the increased heat and sun exposure, it is important for individuals who work outdoors to be cognizant of of the weather and their health and safety. Be mindful of overexposure to Read more »

I have worked with RealStreet for the past five years to provide supplemental staffing for two federal government contracts. It has been a great partnership. I find RealStreet to be attentive and responsive to our needs, reliable, and they consistently find great people that fit what we need for multiple roles on two different programs.

Kevin T. Fitzpatrick, PMP, Peer Review Program Manager

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